Durham Area Model Train Runners Consortium
Durham Bull
We are a Durham, Eno River Basin North Carolina
T-TRAK Style Modular N & HO Scale Model Railroad Cabal.
(T-TRAK stands for Table Top Modules)
We are in part Ex. Military Veterans and encourage other Veterans to join us in enjoying
& promoting modular model railroading as a community service and as an aid for PTSD.
However you don't have to be a Veteran to join us, We don't collect members like friends on Facebook.
Instead we prefer to be a small close-knit group of friends that just like
"Having Fun Running Trains"...
"Less Members = More time on the tracks"
You might receive an invite to join us from a member or request one by asking below.
Both cases are temporary memberships to see if you are a good fit.
If you are a good fit you will be asked to join us officially, if not you will still be a valued friend.
Our Core ...We Are Not a Club.
There are No Meetings, No By-laws. No Agendias,
No Bank Accounts, No Officer's, No Elections, No Clicks,
No Show guidelines, No Equipment Checklists,
No Rule committees, No Standards committees,
No By-Law committees. No Politics....
The Only rules we like is the "Golden Rule & Common Sense".
DAMTRC's Clubhouse & Public Displays
are designed for Longer Trains
less damage from little fingers...
1) By using a Single row of T-TRAK Style Modules
in the middle of 30 inch wide folding tables.
2) The Club Layouts terminates into two Custom Lollipop Modules
Designed by
Thet connect the main lins Red to Yellow and
Yellow to Red respectively at each end.
Making the entire layout a continuous loop.
3) Our N scale layout uses larger 16 inch Corners instead of the standard 12 inch ones.
Designed by
"T-TRAK by Denniston"
All our N scale corners use the New KATO Double Superelevated Unitrack.
4) We are a 100% DCC Only Powered Club.
Using Digitrax Systems
DCS240+ Advanced Command Station
LNWI Wireless Interfaces.
5) Typical Layout Configurations of Straight, L and U shapes are
possible in lengths that can be as small as 10 feet or as long as 75 feet.
We can even set-up our layout agonist a wall! or dog leg around a corner.
Lets see other club layouts do that...
6) Our Custom N Scale Yard is 18' feet long with only
two staging spurs that are over 2 inches of track separation.
Making for easy setup without toppling over yours or someone else's train.
DAMTRC Membership
You must be at least 21 years old to be granted full membership.
Under 21 you will receive a member mentor/sponsor.
A (Get to Know us)Guest Memberships are granted on request.
To request a Guest Membership or if you have any questions
about our activities just send an email to
or go to our Groups.IO page
Please include a short note about yourself ond why you would like toJoin Us.
(It's OK if you dont have any experience with Model Railroading.)
So Let's Go Have FUN Running Trains....
At Our New Clubhouse!!!
Great for a Game room, Home Bar or Famiay Room.
T-TRAK is a trademark of NRail.org and used with permission.
DAMTRC is a NRail Super Club
Copyright DAMTRC .club .com .org
©2022-2025 All Rights Reserved
Your Privacy is our Priority